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Forget triangle sarnies, try something new in your kids (or your) lunchbox!

Nutritionist Audrey Schaerrer talks about making time to prepare healthy meals and healthy lunchbox in her new book

Forget triangle sarnies, try something new in your kids (or your) lunchbox!

I don't know if this is familiar... but do you ever feel like you get in a 'rut' with cooking food for your family, and for your kids lunch...can't think what to cook, haven't got the time to think, can't think what to put in their pack-ups, let alone think if it is healthy or not.

Sound familiar....Well like many of us working parents, nutritionist and mother Audrey Schaerrer found fitting in cooking dinner to be a dreaded chore between battling traffic to get home from work, homework and bedtimes. Quality time was in short supply. When she cooked with her 11 year old daughter Sophia, she realised that that time could actually become a time for special bonding, a time they both looked forward to. 

Following on from this, Audrey began to experiment moving from cooking dinner to creating healthy pack lunches with her daughter.  She then launched a new book "The Ultimate Seasonal Lunchbox", which includes fun and healthy lunchbox recipes. 

At PT, we were keen to get our hands on a copy - always being up for anything that helps us as parents to create healthy lifestyles for our kids.  And wow this book delivered. The recipes couldn't be further from the traditional old triangle sarnies many of us do - which is about as far as my imagination goes.

This first edition focuses on autumn and recipes include Japanese Style Autumn Noodles, Mushroom Pie and Chickpea and Sweet Potato Patties. All the recipes make a complete balanced and nutritious meal to enjoy at dinner time or packed for lunch in a portable box.

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